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Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2020
Oleh: Admin

Geosakti: Sarasehan Nusantara #7 “Building our Nation Through Research”

Geosakti: Sarasehan Untuk Nusantara is a weekly webinar program organized by the Geological Engineering study program at Universitas Trisakti – IKA Geosakti. The topic of the 7th Sarasehan Nusantara is on Marine Science. All speakers are Geological Engineering Alumni of FTKE Usakti, namely Aulia Riza Farhan, Ph.D. (TG’91), Dr. Dini Purbani (TG’84), and Rainer Arief Troa, S.T., M.T. (TG’96), who works at the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the Directorate of Fleet Operations, Applied Oceanography Research Center, and Applied Geology Research Center. The 7th Sarasehan Nusantara was held on August 15, 2020, and attended by 140 participants throughout Indonesia from various professional backgrounds, including academics, professionals, practitioners, and students. This webinar was conducted using Zoom Meeting and Live YouTube. The presentation from the speakers is expected to provide insights to the general population and the next generation of the nation to “OCEAN VISION”, particularly because Indonesia’s potential future resources are in the oceans. In addition, marine research activities must be carried out collaboratively or multidisciplinarily with geological sciences to reveal various natural marine phenomena and exploration of non-biodiversity resources. We hope that the pandemic will end soon, and coral reef ecosystems and research activities in the marine sector can thrive for the welfare of the nation.