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Sabtu, 27 November 2021
Oleh: Admin

Exhibition of the Student Work Results of KUM-ITT 2021

Community Service Institute of Universitas Trisakti held an Exhibition of the Student Work Results of KUM-ITT 2021 on Friday, 13 August 2021 as an online event.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA as the Rector of Universitas Trisakti conveyed his appreciation for the implementation of this event, that even though Universitas Trisakti is located in a big city but our hearts are attached to the villages. This is something to be appreciated that our country comprises of 74 thousand villages, and the students, under the guidance of the lecturers, have empathy and love for the nation, which is embodied by improving the economy of the villages through the work results of the students.

Dr. Astri Rinanti Nugroho, MT, the Director of LPM said that the Theme of the KUM-ITT for this year is very special because, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, students still want to exhibit their work results despite limited conditions. The theme of KUM-ITT for this year is Empowerment of Village Entrepreneurship 2021. The theme was chosen because there are specific problems for the small-and-middle-scale industries (UMKMs) during this pandemic time. The students wished to share and provide mentorship and counseling to those UMKMs.

We would like to extend our appreciation to the Head of Faculties, the Head of Study Programs, and the Field Supervisor Lecturers for their support to the students on KUM-ITT so that the event ran smoothly and successfully.

The event continued with the exhibition of the student work results of KUM-ITT participants:

  1. UMKM Group of Gula Aren (Palm Sugar) Cianjur, West Java
  2. UMKM Group of West Nusa Tenggara Coffee, Sumbawa and Palembang Pempek
  3. Village Group of Sukmanah
  4. Village Group of Sikulan
  5. UMKM Group of Brownies
  6. UMKM Group of Fish
  7. UMKM Group of Salpraya Village
  8. UMKM Group of Banjarnegara
  9. UMKM Group of Kingdom of Slime
  10. Group of Cilentung
  11. Group of Kaduhejo

The outputs of each of the groups of KUM-ITT this year are Intelectual Property Rights, the video of the event that is uploaded to YouTube, new entrepreneurs, and continued plans.

The end of the student work exhibition also marked the official closing of the KUM-ITT for the year 2020. Hopefully, with this event, there are real contributions to the communities to improve their quality of life through the results of student work that can be applied in the community’s daily life.