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Rabu, 17 Maret 2021
Oleh: Admin

Enviro-UpSkill: Training to improve participants’ ability to use Epanet software in science and technology development

The Environmental Engineering Students Association held a series of activities under the title Enviro-UpSkill, which included AutoCAD Training, Paper Training, and Epanet Training. Activities that have been carried out are Paper Training and Epanet Training, which were held on 24 & 27 February 2021 online with the Zoom Meeting application.

The speaker at the Paper Training was Dr. Astri Rianti, MT, a Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Engineering, whereas the speakers of Epanet Training were Dr. Rositayanti Hadisoebroto, ST, MT, a lecturer of Environmental Engineering, and Ms. Nadia Khoirunnisa, ST an alumna of Universitas Trisakti Environmental Engineering study program, with the MC from Universitas Trisakti Environmental Engineering student, Ms. Dhenisa Triana Putri.

Paper training was delivered to improve the knowledge and skills of the students and the public in writing papers and to motivate them to write papers. Therefore, the first training material was about the importance of writing scientific papers properly and correctly, then followed by the techniques of writing scientific papers, and finally, things to consider in preparing scientific papers. Therefore, the materials presented are very useful for students who want to prepare themselves during the process of completing their studies or final assignments.

Epanet training was delivered to improve Epanet software skills and to increase students’ awareness of science and technology development. The training provided basic lessons to use the Epanet application and explained more details about the movement of water in distribution pipes.

Participants were provided with E-Certificates as well as a training video. Hopefully, participants of the Paper Training can improve their skills in preparing their papers properly, and the participants of the Epanet Training can improve their skills and extend their abilities in applying the Epanet software.