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Senin, 22 Maret 2021
Oleh: Admin

Education and Financial Literacy

The Career Center of Universitas Trisakti held a webinar with the theme “Education and Financial Literacy” on Thursday, 18 March 2021, online. The event was opened by Dr. Tri Kunawangsih, P. SE, M.Si (Head of the Bachelor Program of Applied Finance, Universitas Trisakti), which in his opening speech talked about the importance of financial literacy as it gives knowledge and education on financial decision-making. The economy will work if the people can make good decisions on their financial problems, know how to manage their finances, and how to spend money to make ends meet.

The event was attended by Dra. Kitty Gayatri, MM as the Head of the Career Center of Universitas Trisakti, and the speakers:

  1. Sigit Sembodo (Managing Director PT. Bussan Auto Finance)
  2. Mahito (Head of Multi Product Agri-Business PT. Bussan Auto Finance)
  3. Lucia Maria (Marketing Manager Sinarmas Insurance)

The event continued with a Q&A session and prize-giving, then closed with a photo session. Hopefully, the participants of this event would have a better understanding of financial literacy and could make effective financial decisions to improve their individual and social well-being to thrive in the community.