Permanent lecturers at Universitas Trisakti who are certified national reviewers for Research Grants from the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Agency for Research and Innovation are as follows:
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Indra Surjati, M.T. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Prof. Parwadi Moengin, Ph.D. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Rianti Dewi Wulansari S.A., S.T., M.Eng., IPM. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Rosyida Permatasari, M.T. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Drs. Syaifudin, M.Si. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Ir. Sally Cahyati, M.T. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Melati Ferianita Fachrul, M.S. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Diana Hendrawan, M.S. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Masagus Ahmad Azizi, S.T., M.T. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Dra. Yolanda Masnita S., M.M. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. Kurniawati, M.M. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
- Dr. dr. Rina Kurniasri Kusumaratna, M.Kes. [Sinta] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]