One of the roles of researchers is to disseminate the results of their research through scientific periodicals and meetings. The reputation of researchers will be improved if the results of their research are disseminated in prestigious international scientific forums, such as through conferences and publications in scientific journals indexed in internationally reputable databases.
Dissemination of research results in international forums generally requires the cost of overseas travel, accommodation, and seminar registration which can be quite expensive for lecturers/researchers. On the other hand, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance number 86/2017 on Output Cost Standards for Fiscal Year 2018, it is explained that publications and seminars are efforts to encourage an increase in the number of research outputs in the form of scientific publications, especially international publications. In response to this, the government provides convenience for researchers/lecturers of universities by providing FOREIGN SEMINAR ASSISTANCE (BSLN) to help researchers/lecturers present the results of their research in internationally reputable scientific meetings forums.