
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022
Oleh: Admin

Smart, Complete & Integrated Service in Healthcare Industry

Tanggal Jumat, 14 Oktober 2022
Waktu 07:00
Lokasi Webinar
Organizer Program Studi Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Trisakti

The Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti, held a webinar with the theme “Smart, Compliant, and Integrated Service in the Healthcare Industry”, which was held on Friday, October 14, 2022.

Service management is a system that provides value to consumers through a continuous process by prioritizing strategies and improving services regularly. Almost all fields need to implement it, from health and technology to services related to the public.

From this, we know that building smart, complete, and integrated service management is very important for the hospital industry.

The event was opened by the Head of the Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Farah Margaretha, ME., who in his speech conveyed that this activity aims to add insight and understanding, especially for the health industry. The Master of Management has 8 concentrations, including Marketing Management, Financial & Risk Management, Human Capital Management, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Sustainability & Responsibility, Communication Management, Community Entrepreneurship and Service Management.

This event is regularly held by inviting practitioners to add insight so that students learn theoretically from the lecturers and listen to practical understanding or knowledge.

Present as a speaker: Dr. Frinda Susanto Liem, SE, SH, MARS, MH moderated by Dr. Luki Adiati Pratomo, MM.

The event continued with a question-and-answer session and ended with awarding of certificates to the speakers and moderator.