
Senin, 25 Juli 2022


Tanggal Jumat, 22 Juli 2022
Waktu 07:00
Lokasi Webinar

The Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti, Co-Hosted the 3rd International Conference on Law Reform (INCLAR) with the theme “Understanding Law Reform on Post Covid-19 Pandemic”, July 22-23, 2022.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a phenomenon that has changed the lifestyle of nations and countries around the world. Towards the beginning of a new era after the Pandemic to the Endemic phase, there have been many adjustments and adaptations to life that have also affected legal aspects such as aspects of human rights law, Legal Philosophy, International Law, Health Law, State Administration Law, Environmental Law, Constitutional Law, and various other branches of law. These adaptations have more or less resulted in reforms in the field of law.

This encouraged the Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti, to collaborate with the University of Muhammadiyah Malang and serve as Co-Host in the organizing of the 3rd International Conference on Law and the Call for Papers with Narrating Scene Understanding Law Reform on Post Covid-19 Pandemic.

This conference is open to Faculty of Law Lecturers who will present their research results including ideas for legal reform after the Covid-19 Pandemic, including the results of collaborative research with students.

Link to 3rd INCLAR: