
Jumat, 02 September 2022
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National Seminar on FTKE Usakti 2022

Tanggal Selasa, 30 Agustus 2022
Waktu 07:00
Lokasi Webinar
Penyelenggara FTKE

Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy, Universitas Trisakti, in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering from several universities in Indonesia and the Indonesian Engineering Dean’s Forum (FDTI) Central Region, is holding a National Seminar on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, starting from 08.30 to 15.00 WIB online via the zoom meeting link.

The Seminar carried the theme “The Active Role of Engineering Higher Education in the Energy Transition and Development of Superior Human Resources in Indonesia”.

The Seminar was attended by Lecturers, Students from Universitas Trisakti and Other Universities, as well as from several institutions.

The 2022 FTKE National Seminar began with remarks from the Chair of the Committee Dr.Sc. Rendy, ST, M.Eng and remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Burhannudinnur, M.Sc., I.P.M., and opened with remarks from the Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, D.E.A., then continued with presentations from each speaker and discussions and questions and answers.

As Keynote Speaker is Dr. Ir. Hendra Iswahyudi, M.Sc. (Director of EBTKE Infrastructure Planning, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)

The FTKE 2022 National Seminar is divided into 2 Panel Sessions. Speakers in the 1st Panel Session:

  • Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT, Ph.D., IPU (Dean of FTTM ITB)
  • Dr. Ir. Sutarto, MT (Dean of FTM UPN Veterans Yogyakarta)
  • r. Frederik Haryanto Sumbung, ST, M.Eng. (Dean of FT Musamus Merauke University)
  • Dr. Sri Mulyaningsih, ST, MT, IPM (Dean of FTM IST-AKPRIND Yogyakarta)

And as a moderator in the 1st Panel Session: Dr. Suryo Prakoso, ST, MT, (Deputy Dean I FTKE USAKTI).

The 2nd Panel Session was filled by the Speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ir. Asep Ridwan, ST, MT, IPM (Dean of FT UNTIRTA)
  • Prof. Ir. Mega Fatimah Rosana, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of FTG Unpad)
  • Dr. Harjono Padmono Putro, ST, M.Kom. (Dean of FT Krisnadwipayana University)
  • Dr. Ir. Muhammad Burhannudinnur, M.Sc., IPM (Dean of FTKE USAKTI)

And as a moderator in the 2nd Panel Session: Dr. Pantjanita Novi Hartami, ST, MT, IPU (Deputy Dean IV FTKE USAKTI).

Chairman of the Committee Dr. sc. Rendy, ST, M.Eng., stated that this national Seminar was part of the implementation of the collaboration carried out by FTKE with the Faculty of Engineering at several universities in Indonesia.

In his remarks, Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, D.E.A., said that universities have an important role in preparing superior human resources, including regarding new thoughts and innovations related to energy. The resilience of a country is very dependent on the control of energy sources (fossils), so countries that do not have access to energy will depend on and be easily controlled by countries that control energy. It is known as the geopolitical energy cycle. However, if alternative energy continues to be developed, the energy cycle can be broken so that humans are no longer dependent on certain geopolitical forces. This, of course, must be prepared with experts who are able to develop technology to utilize these alternative energy sources.

The conclusions that can be drawn from the presentations by the speakers, among others, are that universities face various challenges related to the energy transition. This section focuses on industry training, regulatory changes, and accreditation training. It is hoped that each teacher will be able to develop his or her potential and abilities. It is also necessary to have a single collaborative attempt in various fields of knowledge so that every teacher can benefit from the time and resources available to achieve a successful HR. Aside from that, there is infrastructure development, new curriculum development, competency certification, and collaboration between industry, higher education, and government. In addition to hard skills and data literacy, it is necessary to develop character and soft skills capabilities so that the human resources can adapt to rapid changes in the world. Research was carried out together to welcome the energy transition.

Hopefully, holding the FTKE 2022 National Seminar can provide insight to the general public, especially the academic community regarding the role of technical higher education in Indonesia in supporting the energy transition program and preparing superior human resources to support the program.

Source : @official ftke usakti