
Senin, 17 Oktober 2022

Public Seminar in conjunction with World Mental Health Day, with the theme “Depression and Anxiety in Education”

Tanggal Minggu, 16 Oktober 2022
Waktu 07:00
Lokasi Webinar
Penyelenggara FK Universitas Trisakti
Mitra Lundbeck Export A/S

The Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Trisakti, in collaboration with Lundbeck Export A/S, has held a Public Seminar in the context of World Mental Health Day, with the theme “Depression and Anxiety in the World of Education” . It was held online on Sunday, October 16, 2022 with around 200 participants.

This event presented FK Usakti lecturer Dr. Erita Istriana, Sp.KJ and was accompanied by moderator Dr. Rivo Mario, Sp.KJ, who is also a lecturer at FK Usakti in the Mental Health Sciences section.

This public seminar began with remarks from the Dean of FK Usakti, Dr. dr. Raditya Wratsangka Sp.O.G, Subsp. Obginsos. He stated that “Depression and Anxiety in the World of Education” is a relevant topic in our world of education because depression and anxiety are not only experienced by students, but also by lecturers and administration staff. The next session was a presentation from the speakers and ended with a discussion.

With the end of this public seminar, we hope that participants’ understanding on the importance of mental health is increasing, and we can better recognize the symptoms of depression and immediately seek help from experts.