
Who We Are

The Business Incubator Development Center of LPPM Usakti was established based on the University Trisakti Rector Regulation No. 13 of 2019, on June 24, 2019. Prior to the establishment of this Incubator Institution, there were several internal incubators in each Faculty, namely Collegepreneur (FEB), C-Box (FTSP), Maira (FTI), Trisakti Design Centre (FSRD), and Entrepreneurship classes in collaboration with the Wadhwani Foundation, focusing on the pre-incubation stage.

Furthermore, after going through the pre-incubation stage in each Faculty, it is expected that students and alumni can proceed to the incubation stage at the Business Incubator Development Center of LPPM Usakti. Thus, this institution will serve as a platform for students and alumni to realize and develop their businesses.

To become a global hub for innovation, bridging academia and industry to create transformative solutions.
To provide a supportive environment that nurtures innovation, accelerates startups, and propels them toward sustainable success

Delivering Startup to Achieve Its Success

Meet Our Expert Team

Discover the exceptional expertise of our team – dedicated professionals committed to realizing your vision and achieving success.

Decree of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti number 356/USAKTI/SKR/VI/2023 regarding the Appointment of Management within the Sentra Inkubator Bisnis

Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, M.T., IPM

Dewan Inkubasi

Dr. Ir. Mohammad Ischak, M.T.

Dewan Inkubasi

Emelia Sari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D


Annisa Dewi Akbari, S.T., M.Sc


Dra. Mustamina Maulani, M.T.


Agung Sasongko, S.T., M.M.

Program Ikubasi

Imam Kisowo, S.T., M.M.

Program Inkubasi

Arnolt Kristian Pakpahan, S.T., M.M.

Program Inkubasi

Dwi Hartini Rahayu, S.E., M.M.

Program Inkubasi

Prof. Dr. Wegig Murwonugroho, S.Sn, M.Hum


Raflis, S.T., M.T.


Dian Purnamasari, S.H., M.H.



All laboratory facilities from 9 faculties can be utilized, for example from the Industrial Technology Faculty Organizational and Business Development Laboratory (3D Printing), Production Systems (Dobot).